Using CSS variables in React Native - LogRocket Blog (2024)

Design and styling are equally important aspects in mobile applications as they are in web development. Who doesn’t like an attractive and visually appealing UI?

Styling in React Native applications determines how React components or elements will be displayed on the mobile screen or browser. Developers have several options to choose from to style their React Native components:

  • CSS and SCSS stylesheets
  • CSS Modules
  • styled-components
  • The StyleSheet API

styled-components is a popular library for React and React Native that enables developers to use component-level styles in their applications by writing a mixture of JavaScript and CSS, called CSS-in-JS. styled-components is thus a tool that bridges the gap between components and styling in React and React Native applications. We’ll be using this library in a later section of this post.

A developer can create styles using plain JavaScript objects, for example:

const styles = {textformat: { fontFamily: 'Lora', fontSize: 25, color: 'maroon', textAlign:'center', marginTop: 40, }};

This can then be applied to a React Native component through the style property (prop) as follows:

<Text style = {styles.textformat}>Hi there</Text>

The React Native team introduced the StyleSheet API as an alternative approach to CSS stylesheets. As of today, they recommend using the API for the following reasons:

  • Make code easier to understand by shifting style definitions away from render() function
  • By naming styles, you can add meaning to the low level components in the render() function

Thus, the StyleSheet API in React Native offers a clean way to abstract styles for various components, which in turn lead to a better-looking UI. Styling in React Native has been further enhanced with CSS custom properties, also called CSS variables. We’ll be exploring CSS variables in this article as well as make use of the StyleSheet API.

Why do we need CSS variables in React Native?

CSS custom properties can be defined by developers to store custom style settings. As a developer, you want to look for ways to modernize your application, speed up productivity, and apply reusability strategies wherever you can.

Using CSS custom properties or CSS variables to implement styling is one way to achieve this. With CSS variables, you can apply the same styles to several components at one time. You can attach them to a selector so that they can be inherited by all descendants of the selector. You can even design a theme for the entire application using sets of custom properties.

With CSS variables, you can achieve several styling outcomes that are not possible with vanilla JavaScript. CSS variables are also quite useful in implementing animations in React Native.

Wisely using CSS variables can also go a long way to improve the maintainability of React Native applications. Since they’re variables, they can be named appropriately and meaningfully, and then referenced easily when required.

Say you developed an application today with a CSS variable forecolor and applied it to a bunch of text components and buttons. Six months later, you are asked to change the foreground color to something darker. Having defined the CSS variable earlier, it now becomes much easier to track that variable and update only the single value to a darker color, passing the required change in all the necessary components.

Thus, using the CSS variable has made a significant difference in the maintainability of your code.

How to declare CSS variables

You declare a CSS variable as follows:

--forecolor: magenta;

It can be then be used like this:

color: var(--forecolor); 

Guidelines for using CSS variables

  • A CSS variable always starts with the two hyphens prefix: --
  • You can store colors, alignments, font families, sizes, and a lot more within CSS variables
  • A CSS variable is always called with the var function
  • Unlike the properties specified with StyleSheet.create(), which uses commas, each property in a CSS variable definition is delimited with a semicolon, like so:
     --forecolor: magenta; --fontSize: 25px; --font-family: 'Lora';
  • You can set or retrieve CSS variables programmatically through JavaScript

Putting CSS variables into action

Let’s assume that you have a React Native application where you want to apply CSS styles to the paragraph element and Text component.

Create your HTML markup as follows:

<div id="react-root"></div><p> Testing CSS variables</p>

Then, create your CSS/SCSS code with CSS variables, as follows:

:root { --forecolor: magenta; --fontSize: 25px; --font-family: 'Lora';}p{ color: var(--forecolor); font-family: var(--font-family); text-align: center; font-size: 25px; marginTop: 40; }

Here, you first define three CSS variables, forecolor, fontSize, and font-family. Then you use these variables to set values for the paragraph element.

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The corresponding JavaScript for the application is given here:

const { Text, View, StyleSheet } = ReactNative; const App = () => { return ( Demonstrating CSS Vars in React Native! );};const styles = StyleSheet.create({ text: { fontFamily: 'Lora', fontSize: 25, color: 'maroon', textAlign:'center', marginTop: 40, }});ReactDOM.render(, document.getElementById("react-root"));

Notice that the style for the Text component is defined only using StyleSheet.create().

The code for the entire application is available in a CodePen I created for the article, CSSVarsDemo01. Executing it produces this output:

See the Pen
by Mamta Dalal (@mamta_d)
on CodePen.

If you take a hard look at the CSS variable declarations and their usage in the CSS section above, you might wonder what the big deal was about. You could pretty much have set those style values for the paragraph element directly, rather than doing it this way. So what’s the big win here?

The benefit of doing it this way is that the same root styles can now be applied to any other elements, as well as React Native components. We’ll explore this in the next section.

Using CSS variables to create global styles in React Native

We’ll make a few global style variables that can be reused for both p and Text.

The HTML markup remains the same, but our CSS has changed:

:root { --forecolor: magenta; --fontSize: 25px; --font-family: 'Lora';}p{ color: var(--forecolor); font-family: var(--font-family); text-align: center; font-size: 25px; marginTop: 40; }.main{ color: maroon; font-family: var(--font-family); text-align: center; font-size: 25px; }

Here, we have defined an additional set of CSS variables within a class named main. Let’s see how we can use this in JavaScript.

const { Text, View, StyleSheet } = ReactNative;const App = () => { return ( <div className="main"> <View> <Text>Demonstrating CSS Vars in React Native!</Text> </View> </div> );};ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("react-root"));

Observe the bolded lines. They indicate how the main class containing the CSS variables is now used in our JavaScript code to apply styles to components.

Since the entire View is enclosed in the <div> block, any components defined within the View will have the same styles applied.

The outcome in the viewport will be similar to that seen earlier, just that the way we implemented it is different.

Using CSS variables in React Native - LogRocket Blog (3)

The code for this example is available at CSSVarDemo02.

Using CSS variables with styled-components>

What if we wanted to use the styled-components library in addition to or in place of native components? You can apply CSS variables to those, too.

The styled-components library can be installed via the CDN link or via the npm install command.

Let’s see how to do this. We’ll use the same HTML markup as earlier, but we’ll modify the CSS.

:root { --forecolor: indigo; --bgcolor: orchid; --fontSize: 15px; --font-family: 'Lora';}p{ color: var(--forecolor); font-family: var(--font-family); text-align: center; font-size: 15px; marginTop: 40; }

The JavaScript code will use both native components (View and Text) and one from the styled-components library (Button).

const {Text, View, StyleSheet} = ReactNative;const styled = window.styled.default;const Button = styled.button` background: var(--bgcolor); font-size: var(--fontSize); border: 3px solid purple; border-radius: 100%; display: inline-flex; height: 84px; width: 84px; align-items:center; margin: 30px 0px 0 0px; justify-content: center; align-self: center`;const App = () => { return ( <View> <Button>Begin Game!</Button> </View> );};const styles = StyleSheet.create({container: { flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', backgroundColor: '#fff', paddingLeft: 16, paddingRight: 16 },});ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("react-root"));

The Button component has some predefined styles from styled-components, but it uses the CSS variables bgcolor and fontSize to set the background color and font size for the button.

Without any style set or any CSS variable defined, the styled-components Button will look like this:
Using CSS variables in React Native - LogRocket Blog (4)

After defining and applying our CSS variables, the outcome will be:
Using CSS variables in React Native - LogRocket Blog (5)

You could have defined these styles using plain JavaScript objects as well, but if your application uses multiple components and more than one screen, using CSS variables will be a good strategy. This is because you can ensure all the button backgrounds and other button properties are consistent across the application — instead of always having to recall the font size across various screens for various components, you can maintain a uniform size by setting a CSS variable for it.

The code for this application is available at CSSVarDemo03.

Setting and retrieving CSS variables at runtime

It’s also possible to set and retrieve CSS variables programmatically at runtime through JavaScript. This would be useful when, say, you want to dynamically change styles based on certain conditions or inputs.

Consider a scenario where you’d want to change the display color of text to a specific color based on user input in a React component. You also want this to happen across all text elements in the application. You can achieve this by dynamically updating the CSS variables through JavaScript code.

Reusing our earlier example, keep the HTML markup and CSS declarations the same; change only the JavaScript for the button component from styled-components:

<Button onClick={() => { console.log(`Current background color:`);//Retrieve the background color from the CSS variable const bg = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue('--bgcolor'); console.log(bg); // Set the CSS variable value to a new value console.log(`Setting background color to: green`);'--bgcolor', 'green');}} > Begin Game!</Button>

The console displays the following output upon clicking the button:
Using CSS variables in React Native - LogRocket Blog (6)

The code for this application is available at CSSVarDemo04.

Now, let’s add another button and a ScrollView component, create a global theme, and apply it to the button component, ScrollView component, and Text and paragraph elements.

Our CSS defines the same styles for our globaltheme and paragraph elements.

:root { --forecolor: maroon; --bgcolor: orchid; --font-family: 'Lora';}.globaltheme, p{ color: var(--forecolor); font-family: var(--font-family); text-align: center; font-size: 15px; }

The JavaScript code needs some additions:

const { Text, ScrollView, View, StyleSheet} = ReactNative;const styled = window.styled.default;const Button = styled.button` background: var(--bgcolor); font-size: var(--fontSize); border: 8px solid navy; border-radius: 100%; display: inline-flex; height: 84px; width: 84px; align-items:center; margin: 30px 0px 0 0px; justify-Content: center; align-self: center`;const App = () => { return ( <div className="globaltheme"> <View> <Button onClick={() => {console.log(`Updating color to: green`);'--bgcolor', 'green');}} >Begin Game!</Button> <Button onClick={() => {console.log(`Exiting`); }} >Exit</Button> <ScrollView > <Text style={styles.listItem}>'Beginner Level 1'</Text> <Text style={styles.listItem}>'Intermediate Level'</Text> <Text style={styles.listItem}>'Advanced/Expert Level'</Text> </ScrollView> </View> </div> );};const styles = StyleSheet.create({container: { flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', backgroundColor: '#fff', paddingLeft: 16, paddingRight: 16 }, listItem: { backgroundColor: "orange", borderWidth: 4, borderColor: "navy", padding: 5, },});ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("react-root"));

The outcome of the code is:

Using CSS variables in React Native - LogRocket Blog (7)

As you can observe, the font size, font family, and foreground color props are applied uniformly across the paragraph element, the ScrollView list items, and the buttons.

The code for this application is available at CSSVarDemo05.

A note about CSS variables and performance

You should be cautious about using too many CSS variables in your application and changing them frequently via JavaScript because, at some point, they may also affect performance adversely.

The effects of CSS variables on performance are well-known, but here is a benchmark that examines the effect of a large number of CSS variables on performance if you’re interested.


CSS variables offer many benefits to React Native developers. They are easy to use and can significantly improve productivity and visual appeal.

Tips and best practices

It would be a good practice to name your CSS variables meaningfully and use them to separate the logical sections in your application from the design sections. In simple terms, one could define variables and properties separately, and not club them together.

Variables, by their very definition, also mean that the value contained in them is likely to change over the course of the application — hence, keep styling values which are likely to change under CSS variables. And when you need to make changes, you can just change the values using selectors and media queries.

It would make sense to keep a few (but not too many) global-scoped properties under your :root selector.

Further reading

Although these articles are not React Native-specific, you can tweak them for use in your React Native applications:

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Using CSS variables in React Native - LogRocket Blog (2024)


Using CSS variables in React Native - LogRocket Blog? ›

CSS variables are also quite useful in implementing animations in React Native. Wisely using CSS variables can also go a long way to improve the maintainability of React Native applications. Since they're variables, they can be named appropriately and meaningfully, and then referenced easily when required.

How to use CSS variables in styled components? ›

How do we use CSS variables with styled components to make truly reusable components? To make for good contrast, let apply button styles using StyleSheet. create({}) and then write the button in a way that we can pass in inline styles to override the default.

What is the proper way to declare variable in CSS? ›

Declaring a Variable

To declare a CSS Custom Property (Variable), you start with two dashes (–). Variables are case sensitive, for example: --base-font-size and --Base-Font-Size are two different variables. To define a variable locally, you use the selector of the element in which you want to use the variable.

How to import CSS variables? ›

The var() function is used to insert the value of a CSS variable. CSS variables have access to the DOM, which means that you can create variables with local or global scope, change the variables with JavaScript, and change the variables based on media queries.

What are the naming conventions for CSS variables? ›

Similar to naming variables in programming languages, naming CSS variables are not that different. The valid naming for a CSS variable should contain alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes. Also, it's worth mentioning that CSS variables are case sensitive.

Can I use CSS variables in React Native? ›

CSS variables are also quite useful in implementing animations in React Native. Wisely using CSS variables can also go a long way to improve the maintainability of React Native applications. Since they're variables, they can be named appropriately and meaningfully, and then referenced easily when required.

Can I use CSS variables in inline style? ›

CSS Variables with Inline Styles

You can then define the value of the variable in the <style> section of your HTML or in an external CSS file. In this case, the variable is defined and used within the same inline style.

What is the best practice of variable in CSS? ›

It is best practice to define all of your variables at the top of your stylesheet. For larger projects, it is common to create a separate file just for your custom color variables so you can reuse them throughout other stylesheets. If you want to access that variable, then you would use the var() function.

Is it good to use variables in CSS? ›

CSS Variables (officially known as custom properties) are user defined values that can be set once and used many times throughout your codebase. They make it easier to manage colors, fonts, size, and animation values, and ensure consistency across web applications.

What does *{} mean in CSS? ›

The * means "all elements" (a universal selector), so we are setting all elements to have zero margins, and zero padding, thus making them look the same in all browsers.

How do I access CSS variables in react? ›

After you have defined your variables, to use them all you have to do is to reference them as a value using the var keyword. This principle can be used across the entire react application as long as your css with the variables has been imported into the application, this might be worth importing at the root level.

How to use CSS variable as selector? ›

To use a CSS variable, you have to declare the variable in a selector, which is usually in the :root and then call the variable in the element(s) you wish to use it in. A fallback value is a property value that is to be used if for any reason the CSS variable cannot be accessed and used by the browser.

How to initialize CSS variables? ›

The initialization of the CSS variable is done by prefixing “–” to the variable name. For example, the following syntax initializes the variable “my_font” to 20px. font-size: var(--my_font, 20px); Fallback values work differently in different aspects.

What is the most popular CSS naming convention? ›

The BEM (Block Element Modifier) ​​naming convention is popular for naming CSS classes and IDs in JavaScript projects. BEM provides a structured and modular way of naming elements, encourages reusability, and makes maintaining codebases easier.

What are the three variable naming conventions? ›

The standard naming conventions used in modern software development are as follows: Pascal case. camel case. snake case.

What is CSS nomenclature? ›

The CSS class naming convention defines rules for choosing the character sequences for naming a CSS class to reduce the effort needed to read and understand the code. There are various naming conventions, like using hyphen-delimited strings, BEM(Block-Element-Modifier), OOCSS(Object-oriented CSS), etc.

Can I use variables in styled components? ›

This is a bit cumbersome to work with, but it means that we can receive variables, functions, or mixins ( css helper) in styled components and can flatten that into pure CSS.

How to use CSS variables in Angular component? ›

To set a CSS variable for a specific component, add the variable inside of its selector. In this example, we will change the color of the following div element of the Angular component template. We've created “color” variables in the component and now we can access them in our component template.

Can I use SCSS variables in styled components? ›

In SCSS, you can use variables and formulas for expressing colors, font sizes, widths and spacing variants. However, when you switch from SCSS to styled components, the syntax isn't valid anymore. Styled component files are CSS-in-JS, so they are actually JavaScript files.

Can you mix styled components with CSS? ›

You can use standard CSS properties, and styled components will add vendor prefixes should they be needed. Styled components are independent of each other, and you do not have to worry about their names because the library handles that for you.


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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.