Popular React Native Component Libraries You Should Know in 2022 (2024)

Top 10 React Native Libraries that Every React Native Mobile Developers Should Know

Popular React Native Component Libraries You Should Know in 2022 (1)

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Engineering at 99x


9 min read


Jul 4, 2022


Popular React Native Component Libraries You Should Know in 2022 (3)

Hello React-Native developers… Welcome to my article. 😎 I will explain to you about some popular React-Native component libraries in 2022. I hope, you will get a better idea about these libraries from this article. 🥳

Popular React Native Component Libraries You Should Know in 2022 (4)

NativeBase is a dynamical front-end framework

If you find yourself rewriting React components for different platforms, you should give it a go with NativeBase. The library is a collection of essential cross-platform React Native components and is a good place to start building your app. The components are built with React Native combined with some JavaScript functionality with customizable properties. You can also use any third-party native libraries out of the box.

NativeBase is a component library that enables devs to build universal design systems. It is built on top of React Native, allowing you to develop apps for Android, iOS and the Web.

There are three NativeBase versions in React Native.

NativeBase v1.x (2016)

NativeBase v2.x (2017)

NativeBase v3.x (2021)

NativeBase v1.x : NativeBase started out as an open source framework that enabled developers to build high-quality mobile apps using React Native. The first version included UITabBar on iOS and Drawer on Android. NativeBase v1 was very well-received by the dev community.

NativeBase v2.x : The second version was released with new components, preset themes, unified icons & more. The main focus of v2 was to make components easy to theme with very few modifications. From v2.4.1 onwards, NativeBase also included support for the web.

NativeBase v3.x : After v2.x there were some features have added to v3.x in NativeBase. Multiplatform, Inherently Beautiful, Accessible and Customisable were them.

For more details : https://nativebase.io/

Popular React Native Component Libraries You Should Know in 2022 (5)

Teaset is a A UI library for React Native that provides 20+ pure JS(ES6) components, focusing on content display and action control.

Teaset is a great addition to our list of React Native component libraries. It is a UI library featuring 20+ pure JS(ES6) for component content classes. With around 2.4k stars on Github, Teaset is a fit for those who have a knack for simplicity and design. It focuses on content display and action control.

Teaset has 48 versions since two five ago. It’s from 0.1.0 to 0.7.5. 0.7.5 is the latest version that was released before two years ago.

There are two dependencies in Teaset. Those are prop-types and react-native-legacy-components.

For more details : https://openbase.com/js/teaset/tutorials

Popular React Native Component Libraries You Should Know in 2022 (6)

Material Kit React Native offers a free native app template with material design. Built with the Galio framework

Material Kit React Native is a beautiful resource built over Galio, React Native and Expo to allow you to create powerful and beautiful e-commerce mobile applications. We have redesigned all the usual components in Galio to make it look flat, minimalist and easy to use.

It redesigns the most common components to keep things minimal and be in tune with Google’s material design. It’s easy to use, and includes 200+ handcrafted elements like buttons, cards, navigation and inputs. All components can take on color variations by making changes to the theme. Using the mobile application is very simple, but it does require you to understand basic JavaScript functions and React Native. To get the desired effect you will need to integrate React components and JS plugins that take a little bit more effort.

Popular React Native Component Libraries You Should Know in 2022 (7)

For more details: https://demos.creative-tim.com/material-kit-react-native/docs/?_ga=2.166520702.1968650810.1656627385-514559895.1656627385#/

Popular React Native Component Libraries You Should Know in 2022 (8)

React Native Elements is a cross-platform React Native UI toolkit that puts together in one place a number of great open source UI components made by developers

The aim of React Native Elements is to provide an all-in-one UI kit for creating apps in react native. There are many great ui components made by developers all around open source. React Native Elements takes the hassle of assembling these packages together by giving you a ready made kit with consistent api and look and feel.

The package includes a whole basket of components such as pricing, badge, overlay, divider and platform-specific search bars. They are easy to use and really customizable. The props for all the components are defined in one central location, which makes it possible to update or modify components easily. Additionally, it can serve as a platform connecting small teams developing commercial React Native apps with open source contribution. To use React Native for your web-based projects, there’s React Native Web. It allows for creation of fast, adaptive UIs in JavaScript, and integrates with React Dev tools. You’ll be able to share your codebase between React Native apps and web apps. It supports type, click or swipe as modes of input, has built-in accessibility and RTL support, and is used by the likes of Twitter, Uber and Flipkart.

For more details: https://reactnativeelements.com/docs

Popular React Native Component Libraries You Should Know in 2022 (9)

Lottie is a library for Android, iOS, Web, and Windows that parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as json with Bodymovin and renders them natively on mobile and on the web!

Lottie is a library from Airbnb for mobiles to help you add animations to your apps. Normally, after creating animations in Adobe After Effects, you’ll need to convert them into a format usable in your web app. Lottie helps you with this.

Lottie is named after a German film director and the foremost pioneer of silhouette animation. Her best known films are The Adventures of Prince Achmed (1926) — the oldest surviving feature-length animated film, preceding Walt Disney’s feature-length Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) by over ten years The art of Lotte Reineger.

For more details: https://airbnb.io/lottie/#/?id=sponsors

Popular React Native Component Libraries You Should Know in 2022 (10)

React Native vector icons are most popular icons of NPM GitHub library

It has more than 3,000 collections of vector icons and these icons are free to use. They are great logos, buttons and Navigation or tab bars. These vector icons are very easy to integrate style and extend in to one’s project. Vector icons are attractive in a particular presentation that makes it more presentable. In comparison to plain texts, vector icons convey more information. One can change icon color, icon size and multiple styling is also supported. Icons are completely customizable. These vector icons can be seen easily anywhere.

Icon Category

For more details: https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-vector-icons

Popular React Native Component Libraries You Should Know in 2022 (11)

Ignite CLI is a solid starter kit for React Native apps.

The Ignite UI CLI is a tool to initialize, develop, scaffold and maintain applications in a wide variety of frameworks. It provide you with predefined templates for Ignite UI for jQuery controls. Ignite UI CLI will give you a quick-start for your next project even if you are a newcomer to Ignite UI and to the target frameworks.
You can create projects and add Ignite UI for jQuery controls in jQuery, Angular and React, executing the very same commands.

At no cost at all, the default React Native boilerplate effortlessly helps you build native apps. It installs easily and adheres to best practices in its construction, while allowing you to adapt the boiler plates to your project. Out of the box, it works with both Android and iOS. There’s support for standalone plugins too.

Additionally, you can choose from a number of boilerplates or start your own. The modular plugin system allows you to add application features or write your own. A usage example screen helps you to test third-party libraries and build apps consisting of multiple components. The screen also contains examples of commonly used apps built with fundamental components. In order to help you identify the components and make changes to them easily, this screen also registers the examples in the component’s files. From this screen, you can test, use and share components with your team. Ignite CLI has earned 10,000+ stars on Github.

For more details: https://www.igniteui.com/help/using-ignite-ui-cli

Popular React Native Component Libraries You Should Know in 2022 (12)

One of the React Native component libraries that offers map components for Android and iOS is React Native Mapview.

React Native map provides a Map component that uses Apple Maps or Google Maps on iOS and Google Maps on Android. Expo uses react-native-maps at react-community/react-native-maps. No setup required for use within the Expo Go app. See below for instructions on how to configure for deployment as a standalone app on Android and iOS.

There’s a lot you can do to customize the map style. You’ll be able to change map view position, tracking region / location and make points of interest clickable on Google Maps. You can enable zooming in to specified markers or coordinates, or even animate them. If you assign an animated region value to the prop, Map view can utilize the Animated API to control the map’s center and zoom. Unless you specify custom markers, default markers will be rendered.

For more details: https://docs.expo.dev/versions/latest/sdk/map-view/

Popular React Native Component Libraries You Should Know in 2022 (13)

Gifted Chat depends on other packages and some needs a boost

App and web development have come a long way over the last few years. We use a lot of chat applications every day, including Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Linkedin, and Messenger. One of the most widely used features is live chat, voice and video calling. Using the CometChat communications SDK and Firebase backend services, and React Native gifted chat library, you will learn how to build one of the best chat app on the internet with minimal effort.

As the name suggests, React Native Gifted Chat will help you in setting up a Chat UI for React Native (and web). Written with TypeScript, it includes fully customizable components that help to load earlier messages or copy messages to clipboard and more. There’s an Input Toolbar too that helps users skip the keyboard.

For more details: https://www.cometchat.com/tutorials/build-a-chat-app-with-react-native-gifted-chat

Popular React Native Component Libraries You Should Know in 2022 (14)

Another free and open-source library is React Native Paper

React-native-paper is a great library, and it’s really useful when you want to get started with working on your app idea immediately, even without design skills.

It has all the major components, and these components are designed in keeping with Google’s Material design standards.

Paper is cross-platform and works on both web and mobile. There are components and interactions to suit almost every use-case scenario. Most details, including animations, accessibility and UI logic are taken care of.

For more details: https://www.codeinwp.com/blog/react-native-component-libraries/

Popular React Native Component Libraries You Should Know in 2022 (15)
Popular React Native Component Libraries You Should Know in 2022 (2024)


Popular React Native Component Libraries You Should Know in 2022? ›

That being said, due to its intuitive architecture, live reloading, and fast development times, as well as good performance and code reusability between platforms (iOS, Android, web), we can safely say that React Native is the best choice for cross-platform app development in 2022.

Is React Native still good in 2022? ›

That being said, due to its intuitive architecture, live reloading, and fast development times, as well as good performance and code reusability between platforms (iOS, Android, web), we can safely say that React Native is the best choice for cross-platform app development in 2022.

Should you use a component library with React Native? ›

Why should you use a component library in React Native? Component libraries offer pre-developed components that help us deliver our React Native projects faster. For example, we can create icon buttons with react-native-vector-icons. Suppose you use a React Native component library that offers a complete UI kit.

Which is the best react component library? ›

Top 10 React UI libraries and kits
  • PrimeReact.
  • Grommet.
  • Onsen UI.
  • MUI.
  • Chakra UI.
  • Ant Design.
  • Semantic UI React.
  • Blueprint UI.
Jan 9, 2023

Which is the world's 2nd most popular react UI library? ›

Ant Design - The world's second most popular React UI framework. Enable JavaScript to run this app.

Is it worth learning React Native in 2023? ›

It is a new framework and yet it's very popular. Many believe, in the future, React native is going to be the top choice for building cross-platform mobile applications. So if you are planning to learn React native in 2023, you should definitely go for it.

Is Facebook leaving React Native? ›

Summary of Reasons for Facebook's Decision. Facebook's decision to pull out of React Native was driven by a combination of financial and technical considerations. The company had been spending a significant amount of money on the project and was not seeing a return on its investment.

Should I use Expo or bare React Native? ›

It is worth mentioning that there are two approaches to creating & developing Expo apps – Managed Workflow and Bare Workflow. The main difference between them is the handling of native code. In the bare workflow, you can use any Expo library, however, you are responsible for handling the native side of iOS and Android.

Should I use Redux with React Native? ›

Advantages of Using Redux In React Native

It is simple to understand code problems, network errors, and other types of bugs that may arise during production by logging actions and states. Server-side rendering: Redux can also be used to render data on the server.

What are the popular React frameworks for 2023? ›

Some best CSS frameworks for React include Material-UI, React Bootstrap, Semantic UI React, Ant Design, Blueprint, and many more. These frameworks provide a wide range of customizable, pre-built UI components and libraries that can be used to build beautiful and responsive user interfaces.

What is the most used React component? ›

MUI Core. MUI Core, formerly known as Material-UI, is the most popular React component library on GitHub after Ant Design. The React library is simple, lightweight, and built according to Google's Material Design specs.

What is better than Ant Design? ›

Material-UI, Bootstrap, Semantic UI, Semantic UI React, and Blueprint are the most popular alternatives and competitors to Ant Design.

Is React still popular 2023? ›

Today, it continues to be a go-to choice for both beginners and developers, and despite the emergence of new technologies, companies tend to hire React. js developers for their business needs. In this article, we'll discuss the key reasons why React. js is still so popular in 2023.

What is the most popular React UI library? ›

The most popular of these is MUI Core. MUI Core contains 4 foundational libraries that are as follows: Material UI: Material UI is a library of React UI components that implements Google's Material Design.

Is React Native more popular than flutter? ›

React Native falls short of Flutter by 4% (42% versus 38% adoption). According to the results of a 2022 Stack Overflow Survey, in terms of usage and popularity, Flutter was on the verge of surpassing React Native as of 2021.

Is React Native going to be dead? ›

Some other popular applications that are built with React Native include Skype, Tesla, UberEats, and Wix. All of these platforms have been able to take advantage of React Native's ability to build native apps using JavaScript and the React framework. Hence, React Native is not dead after seeing such examples.

Why use Flutter over React Native? ›

Pros: Flutter is built using native C/C++ and Dart, which makes it suitable for creating high-performance apps. Flutter also supports many hardware acceleration features, such as Skia, which improve the app's performance. React Native apps have native performance and are very fast and responsive.

Why use Kotlin over React Native? ›

The advantage of Kotlin is that it lets you share logic and libraries below the UI layer. This enables developers to directly interact with their native environment (iOS/Android). Native UI experience: Kotlin Multiplatform unlike React Native does not demand developers to follow its own UI.

Why did Airbnb drop React Native? ›

You probably heard that some time ago Airbnb decided to drop React Native, because it did not meet their expectations. The main reason was the cumbersome process of maintaining the language, as Airbnb created their own fork of React Native (they interfered directly with the framework's code).

Is Netflix using React Native? ›

Netflix runs React native on all devices.

Why we stopped using React Native? ›

Third party frameworks would often stop receiving any updates. Functionality that you took for granted on native platforms didn't exist. It was exhausting. Eventually we made the decision to switch back to doing mobile apps natively.

What image type is best for React Native? ›

Prefer PNG over SVG for react-native apps because its rendering is less CPU intensive, and comparing to web apps user don't need to load all images on each app launch but only on installation, so the size doesn't matter that much.

What is the disadvantage of Expo React Native? ›

  • Build is done by Expo, in their cloud.
  • Native modules not supported.
  • Expo apps don't support background code execution (source docs.expo.io)
  • Javascript source is hosted in their cloud.
  • JS and assets managed by Expo require connectivity to Google Cloud Platform and AWS.

Is React Native enough to build an app? ›

React Native is an open-source JavaScript framework, designed for building apps on multiple platforms like iOS, Android, and also web applications, utilizing the very same code base.

Should I use Vue native or React Native? ›

Key Differences Between Vue.

The main distinction between Vue and React is how they approach application design. While React focuses on creating reusable UI components, Vue takes a more comprehensive approach by providing developers with front-end tools. Vue's template syntax is simple HTML, making it simple to learn.

What is React Native best for? ›

React Native is an excellent choice for startups if their app doesn't rely much on native APIs (Application Programmable Interfaces) and native functionality such as IoT (Internet of Things) and AR (Augmented Reality).

Can I use Expo libraries in React Native? ›

With Expo, you can build and deploy React Native apps for both iOS and Android with ease. With Expo, you will never touch any native iOS or native Android code. This means, you don't need developers to know any native mobile coding while building apps using Expo.

What's the best local database for React Native? ›

Which Are the Best React Native Local Databases For App Development?
  1. Realm. Realm is one of the best local database for React Native. ...
  2. Firebase. Firebase is also one of the best databases for react native. ...
  3. SQLite. ...
  4. PouchDB. ...
  5. Async Storage. ...
  6. WatermelonDB. ...
  7. Vasern.
Mar 3, 2023

Will Nextjs replace React? ›

No, Next. js is not the same as React. Next. js is a framework built on top of React that provides additional features such as server-side rendering and automatic code splitting.

Is React Native the future? ›

React Native has a promising future owing to its user-friendly programming framework. Since JavaScript is the language used to power React Native, most developers who are familiar with JavaScript find it reasonably effortless to use.

Which framework is best for web development in 2023? ›

11 Most Popular Web Frameworks
  • Angular. A front-end web framework that specializes in single-page applications, Angular uses HTML and TypeScript. ...
  • jQuery. jQuery helps developers use JavaScript and document object model (DOM) manipulations more easily. ...
  • React. ...
  • Ruby on Rails. ...
  • Vue. ...
  • ASP.NET Core. ...
  • Django. ...
  • Express.

Which is a must have for every ReactJS component? ›

17) Which of the following is a must API for every React.js component? Answer: B is the correct option. The renderComponent is a must API for every React.js component.

What are the 3 types of components in React? ›

Types of React Components Discussed
  • Functional Components.
  • Class Components.
  • Pure Components.
  • Higher-Order Components.

Which is better React functional components or class components? ›

You should use function components over class components.

Function components allow you to use Hooks. That means you can use additional functionality and make it easier to manage state and side effects. However, if you really need to use lifecycle methods, class components may still be necessary.

Is Ant Design by Alibaba? ›

Ant Design is an open-source design system developed by the Ant Group–parent company of Alibaba, Alipay, Huabei, and MYbank, to name a few.

What is better than material UI? ›

Sencha EXT JS is one of the best alternatives to material UI. It offers an excellent material theme based on Google's material design. It is popular among many developers as a robust design foundation. This theme offers high customizability while adopting the standards of material design.

Is Ant Design better than MUI? ›

In terms of features, Ant Design has more enterprise-level components and internationalization tools, while Material UI has more layout and grid components and a built-in theme system. It's worth noting that both libraries are actively developed and their component offerings may change over time.

Is React Native in demand 2022? ›

In 2022, professionals are seeking faster and more cost-effective solutions for mobile development to blast away the competition. Enter the rising stars of recent years: Flutter and React Native cross-platform development frameworks. Now let's look at why these frameworks were created in the first place.

Is React Native still relevant in 2023? ›

In 2023, React Native is expected to continue to be a popular choice for building mobile apps. Some possible predictions and developments for React Native in 2023 include: Continued growth in the React Native community and ecosystem, with more third-party libraries, plugins, and tools become available.

Should I learn Flutter or React Native in 2022? ›

According to the Stack Overflow survey of 2022, the majority of developers prefer Flutter when it comes to cross-platform mobile frameworks, which is closely followed by React Native's developer preference.

Does React Native have a future? ›

React Native has a promising future owing to its user-friendly programming framework. Since JavaScript is the language used to power React Native, most developers who are familiar with JavaScript find it reasonably effortless to use.

Why Expo instead of React Native? ›

React Native CLI apps require macOS in order to build iOS apps – meaning Windows users cannot develop iOS apps without some sketchy workarounds. Expo completely bypasses this limitation by offering a hosted service called EAS Build for building app binaries for your Expo and React Native projects.

Why use Expo instead of React Native? ›

Originally, Expo was designed to build products using strictly React Native code, with no support for native libraries like CocoaPods. This contrasted with the stock React Native CLI where you could include native libraries and interface with them.

Will Flutter overtake native? ›

The latest research from Statista places Flutter as the leading cross-platform mobile development framework in 2021. Flutter surpasses React Native by 4% (42% for Flutter against 38% for React Native).

Will Flutter replace native? ›

The Flutter IDE framework and its underlying programming language, Dart, are therefore encouraged to be tested by expert native Android and iOS developers. Whether Flutter will entirely or partially replace native apps is still unknown.

Does Instagram still use React Native? ›

Many major companies like Facebook, Airbnb, and Instagram use React Native for developing their mobile apps. Its popularity is also shown by a large and active developer community, and constantly growing numbers of packages and libraries available. Those resources allow developers to reduce development time even more.

What is the salary of React Native developer? ›

React Native Developer salary in India ranges between ₹ 1.2 Lakhs to ₹ 11.0 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 4.0 Lakhs.

Is Expo worth using React Native? ›

Expo is a toolchain based on React Native that will help you set up applications quickly. It provides many tools for the process of developing and testing Native React applications and provides you with the user interface and service components typically found in third-party Native React Native components.

Is Microsoft using React Native? ›

Microsoft Office leverages React Native in several experiences across the suite of Office apps including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.


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